No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking. ~Voltaire

03 October 2013

Did we win or lose today?

This really is the point, isn't it? We formed a government to provide a way for us to meet our group needs in ways not possible for us to achieve individually. At some point, the government was infused with our collective conscious (and spiritual leanings) regarding how to care for the least of us. This is its job, because it is our job as people. Unfortunately, as people have become more infused with the ideology of politics (informed by 15 second sound-bites and two-minute news clips), so has our government. Now instead of our government helping us meet groups needs, it has become a battleground to see which ideology wins. But do we get what we need (win) in the battle of ideologies? Honestly I think we lose, regardless of the ideological victor. We need to find a way to reintroduce human values and the needs of the group (which is dictated by the needs of the least of us -- it really is true that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link and our needy are our weak spot, especially if we don't help) into our government, so we can grow healthy and strong, instead of divided, crippled and weak. #IMNATBHO

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